eBECAS.portal API documentation version v1.9.11.0
eBECAS API for clients to search for and retrieve details of students, enrolments and other details.
Search for Students and Get student details for a particular student. Get enrolment details, homestay offers and further details.
Search for Students
Create a new student record (implemented in v11)
get /student
Search for Students
This API supports Basic Authentication.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- SearchString: required (string)
Search String matching Name / Student Number. Seperate Search parameters by a comma. A number will only search the Student Number.
- PageSize: (integer - default: 100)
The number of Students Records to return per page.
- PageCount: (integer - default: 1)
The Page of results to return
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- SearchString: required (string)
- PageSize: required (integer)
- PageCount: required (integer)
- StudentCount: required (integer)
The total number of Student Records found by the Search
- Students: required (array of StudentSearchResult)
Items: StudentSearchResult
- PATType: required (string)
- PassportType: required (string)
- DateOfBirth: required (string)
- LocalAddressLine2: required (string)
- FirstName: required (string)
- LocalAddressLine3: required (string)
- OSSuburbName: required (string)
- OverSeas: required (boolean)
- OSAddressLine2: required (string)
- LocalPhone: required (string)
- PATScore: required (string)
- PassportNo: required (string)
- PassportAuthority: required (string)
- OSAddressLine3: required (string)
- Citizenship: required (string)
- PassportIssuer: required (string)
- LocalAddressLine1: required (string)
- Title: required (string)
- OSPhone: required (string)
- OSState: required (string)
- StudentId: required (integer)
- OSMobile: required (string)
- PassportPlaceOfBirth: required (string)
- LastName: required (string)
- PassportIssueDate: required (string)
- PathwayLevel: required (string)
- LocalMobile: required (string)
- LocalState: required (string)
- StudentNo: required (string)
- PathwayCollege: required (string)
- PassportExpiryDate: required (string)
- LocalSuburbName: required (string)
- MiddleName: required (string)
- PathwayStudentCode: required (string)
- PathwayTrackFlag: required (boolean)
- PathwayCourse: required (string)
- BirthCountry: required (string)
- OSAddressLine1: required (string)
- Country: required (string)
- Gender: required (string)
- LocalEmail: required (string)
- PathwayStartDate: required (string)
- PATDate: required (string)
- PathwayEntranceScore: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
post /student
Create a new student record (implemented in v11)
This API supports Basic Authentication.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- PATType: (string)
- PassportType: (string)
- DateOfBirth: required (datetime)
- LEmail: (string)
Either LEmail or OSEmail should equal required Email which is used for validation
- LocalAddressLine2: (string)
- FirstName: required (string)
- LocalAddressLine3: (string)
- CountryId: (integer)
ID of the student's Country, Must exist in the Country Lookup. Overrides Country text field if both are supplied
- OSSuburbName: (string)
- OverSeas: required (boolean)
- OSAddressLine2: (string)
- LocalPhone: (string)
- PATScore: (string)
- OSEmail: (string)
Either LEmail or OSEmail should equal required Email which is used for validation
- PassportNo: (string)
- StudentLocationTo: (integer)
- LanguageId: (integer)
ID of the student's Language, Must exist in the Language Lookup
- PassportAuthority: (string)
- EmailAddress: required (string)
- OSAddressLine3: (string)
- Citizenship: (string)
Must exist in the Country Lookup
- EContactInfo: (string)
- PassportIssuer: (string)
- LocalAddressLine1: (string)
- Title: (string)
- OSPhone: (string)
- OSState: (string)
- BirthCountryId: (integer)
ID of the student's Birth Country, Must exist in the Country Lookup. Overrides Birth Country text field if both are supplied
- OSMobile: (string)
- PassportPlaceOfBirth: (string)
- EContactPhone1: (string)
- CitizenshipCountryId: (integer)
ID of the student's Language, Must exist in the Country Lookup. Overrides Citizenship text field if both are supplied
- LastName: required (string)
- PassportIssueDate: (datetime)
- StudentLocationId: (integer)
- EContactAddressLine1: (string)
- StudentLocationFrom: (integer)
- LocalMobile: (string)
- LocalState: (string)
- EContactAddressLine2: (string)
- StudentNo: (string)
- PassportExpiryDate: (datetime)
- EContactName: (string)
- LocalSuburbName: (string)
- EContactState: (string)
- Notes: (string)
- MiddleName: (string)
- EContactPhone2: (string)
- BirthCountry: (string)
Must exist in the Country Lookup
- OSAddressLine1: (string)
- Country: (string)
Must exist in the Country Lookup
- Gender: required (string)
- EContactEmail: (string)
- EContactSuburbName: (string)
- PATDate: (datetime)
- EContactPostCode: (string)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- StudentId: required (integer)
- ValidationMessage: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get a specific Student with StudentCode (string)
get /student/code/{StudentCode}
Get a specific Student with StudentCode (string)
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- StudentCode: required (string)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- PATType: required (string)
- PassportType: required (string)
- DateOfBirth: required (string)
- LocalAddressLine2: required (string)
- FirstName: required (string)
- LocalAddressLine3: required (string)
- OSSuburbName: required (string)
- OverSeas: required (boolean)
- OSAddressLine2: required (string)
- LocalPhone: required (string)
- PATScore: required (string)
- PassportNo: required (string)
- PassportAuthority: required (string)
- OSAddressLine3: required (string)
- Citizenship: required (string)
- PassportIssuer: required (string)
- LocalAddressLine1: required (string)
- Title: required (string)
- OSPhone: required (string)
- OSState: required (string)
- StudentId: required (integer)
- OSMobile: required (string)
- PassportPlaceOfBirth: required (string)
- LastName: required (string)
- PassportIssueDate: required (string)
- PathwayLevel: required (string)
- LocalMobile: required (string)
- LocalState: required (string)
- StudentNo: required (string)
- PathwayCollege: required (string)
- PassportExpiryDate: required (string)
- LocalSuburbName: required (string)
- MiddleName: required (string)
- PathwayStudentCode: required (string)
- PathwayTrackFlag: required (boolean)
- PathwayCourse: required (string)
- BirthCountry: required (string)
- OSAddressLine1: required (string)
- Country: required (string)
- Gender: required (string)
- LocalEmail: required (string)
- PathwayStartDate: required (string)
- PATDate: required (string)
- PathwayEntranceScore: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get a specific Student with StudentNo id (integer)
get /student/{id}
Get a specific Student with StudentNo id (integer)
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- PATType: required (string)
- PassportType: required (string)
- DateOfBirth: required (string)
- LocalAddressLine2: required (string)
- FirstName: required (string)
- LocalAddressLine3: required (string)
- OSSuburbName: required (string)
- OverSeas: required (boolean)
- OSAddressLine2: required (string)
- LocalPhone: required (string)
- PATScore: required (string)
- PassportNo: required (string)
- PassportAuthority: required (string)
- OSAddressLine3: required (string)
- Citizenship: required (string)
- PassportIssuer: required (string)
- LocalAddressLine1: required (string)
- Title: required (string)
- OSPhone: required (string)
- OSState: required (string)
- StudentId: required (integer)
- OSMobile: required (string)
- PassportPlaceOfBirth: required (string)
- LastName: required (string)
- PassportIssueDate: required (string)
- PathwayLevel: required (string)
- LocalMobile: required (string)
- LocalState: required (string)
- StudentNo: required (string)
- PathwayCollege: required (string)
- PassportExpiryDate: required (string)
- LocalSuburbName: required (string)
- MiddleName: required (string)
- PathwayStudentCode: required (string)
- PathwayTrackFlag: required (boolean)
- PathwayCourse: required (string)
- BirthCountry: required (string)
- OSAddressLine1: required (string)
- Country: required (string)
- Gender: required (string)
- LocalEmail: required (string)
- PathwayStartDate: required (string)
- PATDate: required (string)
- PathwayEntranceScore: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get a list of enrolments for a Student
get /student/{id}/enrol
Get a list of enrolments for a Student
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- StudentId: required (integer)
- Enrols: required (array of StudentEnrolResult)
Items: StudentEnrolResult
- EnrolId: required (integer)
- OverallAttendance: required (integer)
- StartDate: required (string)
- AcademicFlag: required (boolean)
- Arrived: required (boolean)
- CurrentWeek: required (integer)
- AgentName: required (string)
- AgentId: required (integer)
- CourseLength: required (integer)
- CourseCode: required (string)
- CourseName: required (string)
- LanguageFlag: required (boolean)
- EnrolStatus: required (string)
- FacultyName: required (string)
- CurrentAttendance: required (integer)
- AgentCode: required (string)
- EndDate: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get a list of Offers for a Student
get /student/{id}/offer
Get a list of Offers for a Student
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- StudentId: required (integer)
- Offers: required (array of StudentOfferResult)
Items: StudentOfferResult
- OfferId: required (integer)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get a list of Custom Field Name and Value pairs for student
get /student/{id}/customfield
Get a list of Custom Field Name and Value pairs for student
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- StudentId: required (integer)
- CustomFields: required (array of StudentCustomFieldResult)
Items: StudentCustomFieldResult
- CustomFieldName: required (string)
- CustomFieldValue: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get a list of Contacts for a student
get /student/{id}/contact
Get a list of Contacts for a student
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- StudentId: required (integer)
- Contacts: required (array of StudentContactResult)
Items: StudentContactResult
- Suburb: required (string)
- Phone2: required (string)
- ContactInfo: required (string)
- Email: required (string)
- ContactName: required (string)
- AddressLine2: required (string)
- EmergencyContactFlag: required (boolean)
- Phone1: required (string)
- State: required (string)
- AddressLine1: required (string)
- Postcode: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Search for Enrolments
get /enrol/{DateOption}
Search for Enrolments
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- DateOption: required (one of ALL, START, CURRENT, FINISH, BOOKING, CANCEL)
Filter option for Enrolment Dates
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- StartDate: required (date-only)
From date to filter results, defaulting to today
- EndDate: required (date-only)
To date to filter results, defaulting to today
- PageSize: (integer - default: 100)
The number of Students Records to return per page.
- PageCount: (integer - default: 1)
The Page of results to return
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- PageSize: required (integer)
- PageCount: required (integer)
- EnrolCount: required (integer)
The total number of Enrol Records found by the Search
- Enrols: required (array of EnrolResult)
Items: EnrolResult
- GrossDue: required (number)
- EnrolId: required (integer)
- OverallAttendance: required (integer)
- StartDate: required (string)
- CourseId: required (integer)
- AcademicFlag: required (boolean)
- Arrived: required (boolean)
- StudyTourId: required (integer)
- CurrentWeek: required (integer)
- AgentName: required (string)
- NettOverdue: required (number)
- StatusId: required (integer)
- AgentId: required (integer)
- AcademicStatus: required (string)
- CourseLength: required (integer)
- CourseCode: required (string)
- GrossOverdue: required (number)
- CourseName: required (string)
- CompletedUnits: required (integer)
- LanguageFlag: required (boolean)
- EnrolStatus: required (string)
- FacultyName: required (string)
- CurrentAttendance: required (integer)
- FacultyId: required (integer)
- NettDue: required (number)
- AgentCode: required (string)
- EndDate: required (string)
- StudID: required (integer)
- TotalUnits: required (integer)
- WithdrawnUnits: required (integer)
- RemainingUnits: required (integer)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get details for an enrolment by Enrol Id
get /enrol/{id}
Get details for an enrolment by Enrol Id
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- GrossDue: required (number)
- EnrolId: required (integer)
- OverallAttendance: required (integer)
- StartDate: required (string)
- CourseId: required (integer)
- AcademicFlag: required (boolean)
- Arrived: required (boolean)
- StudyTourId: required (integer)
- CurrentWeek: required (integer)
- AgentName: required (string)
- NettOverdue: required (number)
- StatusId: required (integer)
- AgentId: required (integer)
- AcademicStatus: required (string)
- CourseLength: required (integer)
- CourseCode: required (string)
- GrossOverdue: required (number)
- CourseName: required (string)
- CompletedUnits: required (integer)
- LanguageFlag: required (boolean)
- EnrolStatus: required (string)
- FacultyName: required (string)
- CurrentAttendance: required (integer)
- FacultyId: required (integer)
- NettDue: required (number)
- AgentCode: required (string)
- EndDate: required (string)
- StudID: required (integer)
- TotalUnits: required (integer)
- WithdrawnUnits: required (integer)
- RemainingUnits: required (integer)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get a list of results for an Academic Enrolment
get /enrol/{id}/acadresult
Get a list of results for an Academic Enrolment
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- EnrolId: required (integer)
- AcadResults: required (array of AcadResultResult)
Items: AcadResultResult
- VetOutcome: required (string)
- VetFunding: required (string)
- ResultId: required (integer)
- StartDate: required (string)
- VetStateFunding: required (string)
- SubjectCode: required (string)
- Result: required (string)
- VetRate: required (string)
- Mark: required (string)
- VetDelivery: required (string)
- SubjectName: required (string)
- EndDate: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get a list of results for a Language Enrolment
get /enrol/{id}/langresult
Get a list of results for a Language Enrolment
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- EnrolId: required (integer)
- LangResults: required (array of LangResultResult)
Items: LangResultResult
- ResultId: required (integer)
- ResultDate: required (string)
- ResultType: required (string)
- ClassLevel: required (string)
- ClassName: required (string)
- Results: required (array of )
- CustomScores: required (array of )
- Comment: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Return Enrolment Lang classes for Class Date
get /enrol/{id}/langclass
Return Enrolment Lang classes for Class Date
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- ClassDate: required (date-only)
Class date to return classes for, defaulting to today
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- EnrolId: required (integer)
- LangClasses: required (array of EnrolLangClassResult)
Items: EnrolLangClassResult
- LangClassId: required (integer)
- SessionId: required (integer)
- SessionName: required (string)
- ClassCode: required (string)
- Week: required (integer)
- Holiday: required (boolean)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Return Enrolment Academic classes
get /enrol/{id}/acadclass
Return Enrolment Academic classes
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- EnrolId: required (integer)
- Classes: required (array of EnrolAcadClassResult)
Items: EnrolAcadClassResult
- ClassId: required (integer)
- ResultId: required (integer)
- ClassCode: required (string)
- SubjectCode: required (string)
- SubjectName: required (string)
- StartDate: required (string)
- EndDate: required (string)
- Status: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Return the Visa associated with an Enrolment
get /enrol/{id}/visa
Return the Visa associated with an Enrolment
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- Code: required (string)
- FromDate: required (string)
- ToDate: required (string)
- VisaType: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Return the COE associated with an Enrolment
get /enrol/{id}/coe
Return the COE associated with an Enrolment
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- Code: required (string)
- FromDate: required (integer)
- ToDate: required (string)
- VisaType: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Return the Invoices for an Enrolment
get /enrol/{id}/invoice
Return the Invoices for an Enrolment
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- EnrolId: required (integer)
- Contacts: required (array of EnrolInvoiceResult)
Items: EnrolInvoiceResult
- CreditAmount: required (number)
- AgentFee: required (number)
- InvoiceDate: required (string)
- TaxAmount: required (number)
- TaxAmountInc: required (number)
- OutAmount: required (number)
- DebitAmount: required (number)
- PaidAmount: required (number)
- InvoiceNo: required (integer)
- InvoiceAmount: required (number)
- NettInvoice: required (number)
- DueDate: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Return the Invoice Details for an Invoice
get /enrol/{id}/invoice/{id}/detail
Return the Invoice Details for an Invoice
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- id: required (integer)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- InvoiceId: required (integer)
- Contacts: required (array of EnrolInvoiceDetailResult)
Items: EnrolInvoiceDetailResult
- ToDate: required (string)
- CreditAmount: required (number)
- AgentFee: required (number)
- TaxAmount: required (number)
- FeeName: required (string)
- OutAmount: required (number)
- DebitAmount: required (number)
- PaidAmount: required (number)
- PeriodLength: required (integer)
- FromDate: required (string)
- InvoiceAmount: required (number)
- NettInvoice: required (number)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Return the Holidays associated with an Enrolment
get /enrol/{id}/holiday
Return the Holidays associated with an Enrolment
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
Query Parameters
- Option: (one of EXTEND, ALL - default: ALL)
Return All Holidays or just those that extend the enrolment
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- ReferenceId: required (integer)
- Holidays: required (array of HolidayResult)
Items: HolidayResult
- FromDate: required (string)
- ToDate: required (string)
- Name: required (string)
- FacultyId: (integer)
Faculty Id for a Faculty wide holiday. null for a Student Holiday
- FacultyName: required (string)
- Extend: required (boolean)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get a list of Custom Field Name and Value pairs for enrolment
get /enrol/{id}/customfield
Get a list of Custom Field Name and Value pairs for enrolment
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- EnrolId: required (integer)
- CustomFields: required (array of StudentCustomFieldResult)
Items: StudentCustomFieldResult
- CustomFieldName: required (string)
- CustomFieldValue: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Create a new Offer (implemented in v11)
post /offer
Create a new Offer (implemented in v11)
This API supports Basic Authentication.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- OfferDate: required (datetime)
Date Time the offer application was created
- StudentId: required (integer)
Either an existing Student ID or new student details must be supplied
- AgentId: (integer)
- EmployeeId: (integer)
- OfferTypeId: (integer)
- VisaTypeId: (integer)
- Notes: (string)
- Student: required (object)
Either an existing Student ID or new student details must be supplied. When new student details are supplied, a match with an existing student is first tried - based on Email, Last name, First name and DOB
- PATType: (string)
- PassportType: (string)
- DateOfBirth: required (datetime)
- LEmail: (string)
Either LEmail or OSEmail should equal required Email which is used for validation
- LocalAddressLine2: (string)
- FirstName: required (string)
- LocalAddressLine3: (string)
- CountryId: (integer)
ID of the student's Country, Must exist in the Country Lookup. Overrides Country text field if both are supplied
- OSSuburbName: (string)
- OverSeas: required (boolean)
- OSAddressLine2: (string)
- LocalPhone: (string)
- PATScore: (string)
- OSEmail: (string)
Either LEmail or OSEmail should equal required Email which is used for validation
- PassportNo: (string)
- StudentLocationTo: (integer)
- LanguageId: (integer)
ID of the student's Language, Must exist in the Language Lookup
- PassportAuthority: (string)
- EmailAddress: required (string)
- OSAddressLine3: (string)
- Citizenship: (string)
Must exist in the Country Lookup
- EContactInfo: (string)
- PassportIssuer: (string)
- LocalAddressLine1: (string)
- Title: (string)
- OSPhone: (string)
- OSState: (string)
- BirthCountryId: (integer)
ID of the student's Birth Country, Must exist in the Country Lookup. Overrides Birth Country text field if both are supplied
- OSMobile: (string)
- PassportPlaceOfBirth: (string)
- EContactPhone1: (string)
- CitizenshipCountryId: (integer)
ID of the student's Language, Must exist in the Country Lookup. Overrides Citizenship text field if both are supplied
- LastName: required (string)
- PassportIssueDate: (datetime)
- StudentLocationId: (integer)
- EContactAddressLine1: (string)
- StudentLocationFrom: (integer)
- LocalMobile: (string)
- LocalState: (string)
- EContactAddressLine2: (string)
- StudentNo: (string)
- PassportExpiryDate: (datetime)
- EContactName: (string)
- LocalSuburbName: (string)
- EContactState: (string)
- Notes: (string)
- MiddleName: (string)
- EContactPhone2: (string)
- BirthCountry: (string)
Must exist in the Country Lookup
- OSAddressLine1: (string)
- Country: (string)
Must exist in the Country Lookup
- Gender: required (string)
- EContactEmail: (string)
- EContactSuburbName: (string)
- PATDate: (datetime)
- EContactPostCode: (string)
- OfferItems: required (array of OfferItemRequest)
Items: OfferItemRequest
- ToDate: (datetime)
- PeriodMonths: (integer)
- DisplayOrder: (string)
- CommissionAmount: required (number)
- FlightComingFrom: (string)
- AgentCommissionId: required (integer)
- FlightGoingTo: (string)
- TaxAmount: required (number)
- FlightName: (string)
- PeriodWeeks: (integer)
- ProductId: required (integer)
- PeriodDays: (integer)
- GroupId: (integer)
- Notes: (string)
- Amount: required (number)
- PeriodLength: (integer)
Legacy field. Please use PeriodDays, PeriodWeeks or PeriodMonths (still supported for Course as weeks)
- FromDate: required (datetime)
- FlightTime: (string)
Time in simple 24hr format. eg 15:30
- Instalments: (object)
- DueDate: required (datetime)
- Description: (string)
- PeriodLength: required (integer)
- FromDate: required (datetime)
- ToDate: required (datetime)
- Amount: required (number)
- CommissionAmount: (number)
- TaxAmount: (number)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- Success: required (boolean)
- OfferId: required (integer)
- OfferDate: required (datetime)
- StudentId: required (integer)
- ValidationMessage: required (string)
- OfferItems: required (array of NewOfferItemResult)
Items: NewOfferItemResult
- Commission: required (number)
- Success: required (boolean)
- ValidationMessage: required (string)
- Total: required (number)
- OfferItemId: required (integer)
- Amount: required (number)
- SubTotal: required (number)
- Description: required (string)
- Discount: required (number)
- Tax: required (number)
- Amount: required (number)
- Commission: required (number)
- Discount: required (number)
- SubTotal: required (number)
- Tax: required (number)
- Total: required (number)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Search for Offers
get /offer/{DateOption}
Search for Offers
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- DateOption: required (one of OFFERDATE, COURSESTART, ACCOM, AIRPORT)
Filter option for Offer search dates. Blank will default to OFFERDATE
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- StartDate: required (date-only)
From date to filter results, defaulting to today
- EndDate: required (date-only)
To date to filter results, defaulting to today
- PageSize: (integer - default: 100)
The number of Offer Records to return per page.
- PageCount: (integer - default: 1)
The Page of results to return
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- PageSize: required (integer)
- PageCount: required (integer)
- OfferCount: required (integer)
The total number of Offer Records found by the Search
- Offers: required (array of OfferResult)
Items: OfferResult
- DiscountTotal: required (number)
- AirportTransferTotal: required (number)
- OfferDate: required (string)
- OfferTotal: required (number)
- InsuranceTotal: required (number)
- OtherTotal: required (number)
- StudentId: required (integer)
- AgentName: required (string)
- AgentId: required (integer)
- OfferStatus: required (string)
- CommissionTotal: required (number)
- VisaType: required (string)
- AgentCode: required (string)
- TaxTotal: required (number)
- CourseTotal: required (number)
- AccomodationArrangementTotal: required (number)
- OfferId: required (integer)
- AccomodationTotal: required (number)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get Details for an Offer by Id
get /offer/{id}
Get Details for an Offer by Id
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- DiscountTotal: required (number)
- AirportTransferTotal: required (number)
- OfferDate: required (string)
- OfferTotal: required (number)
- InsuranceTotal: required (number)
- OtherTotal: required (number)
- StudentId: required (integer)
- AgentName: required (string)
- AgentId: required (integer)
- OfferStatus: required (string)
- CommissionTotal: required (number)
- VisaType: required (string)
- AgentCode: required (string)
- TaxTotal: required (number)
- CourseTotal: required (number)
- AccomodationArrangementTotal: required (number)
- OfferId: required (integer)
- AccomodationTotal: required (number)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get a list of Offer items for an Offer
get /offer/{id}/offeritem
Get a list of Offer items for an Offer
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- OfferId: required (integer)
- OfferItems: required (array of OfferItemResult)
Items: OfferItemResult
- ProductType: required (string)
- ToDate: required (string)
- TotalAmount: required (number)
- CommissionAmount: required (number)
- TaxAmount: required (number)
- ProductId: required (integer)
- SubAmount: required (number)
- OfferItemId: required (integer)
- FacultyName: required (string)
- Notes: required (string)
- Amount: required (number)
- FacultyId: required (integer)
- PeriodLength: required (integer)
- FromDate: required (string)
- ProductName: required (string)
- DiscountAmount: required (number)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get a list of Offer instalments for an Offer
get /offer/{id}/offerinstalment
Get a list of Offer instalments for an Offer
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- OfferId: required (integer)
- OfferItems: required (array of OfferInstalmentResult)
Items: OfferInstalmentResult
- ToDate: required (string)
- TotalAmount: required (number)
- CommissionAmount: required (number)
- TaxAmount: required (number)
- OfferInstalmentId: required (integer)
- PayeeCustomerName: required (string)
- SubAmount: required (number)
- DueCount: required (integer)
- Amount: required (number)
- Description: required (string)
- PeriodLength: required (integer)
- FromDate: required (string)
- DueDate: required (string)
- DiscountAmount: required (number)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Return the Holidays associated with an Offer
get /offer/{id}/holiday
Return the Holidays associated with an Offer
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
Query Parameters
- Option: (one of EXTEND, ALL - default: ALL)
Return All Holidays or just those that extend the enrolment
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- ReferenceId: required (integer)
- Holidays: required (array of HolidayResult)
Items: HolidayResult
- FromDate: required (string)
- ToDate: required (string)
- Name: required (string)
- FacultyId: (integer)
Faculty Id for a Faculty wide holiday. null for a Student Holiday
- FacultyName: required (string)
- Extend: required (boolean)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get a list of Custom Field Name and Value pairs for an offer
get /offer/{id}/customfield
Get a list of Custom Field Name and Value pairs for an offer
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- OfferId: required (integer)
- CustomFields: required (array of StudentCustomFieldResult)
Items: StudentCustomFieldResult
- CustomFieldName: required (string)
- CustomFieldValue: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Checks if an email exists in ebecas before creating a student for the offer, or to check if the email is for an agent. Returns the student or Agent details if they exist
get /offer/email
Checks if an email exists in ebecas before creating a student for the offer, or to check if the email is for an agent. Returns the student or Agent details if they exist
This API supports Basic Authentication.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- Email: required (string)
The email to check in eBECAS
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- DateOfBirth: required (string)
- FirstName: required (string)
- EmployeeId: required (integer)
- Email: required (string)
- StudentId: required (integer)
- AgentName: required (string)
- LastName: required (string)
- AgentId: required (integer)
- StudentNumber: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Return a list of currently published Products for College (as of the current date)
get /product
Return a list of currently published Products for College (as of the current date)
This API supports Basic Authentication.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- PageSize: (integer - default: 100)
The number of Products to return per page.
- PageCount: (integer - default: 1)
The Page of results to return
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- CurrentAt: required (string)
- PageSize: required (integer)
- PageCount: required (integer)
- ProductCount: required (integer)
The total number of Student Records found by the Search
- Products: required (array of ProductResult)
Items: ProductResult
- TaxInclusive: required (boolean)
- WeeklyRate: required (number)
- FixedWeeklyLength: required (integer)
- WeeklyCourseRate: required (boolean)
- TaxAmount: required (number)
- AlternateCourseCost: required (number)
- CricosName: required (string)
- TaxCode: required (string)
- ProductId: required (integer)
- LocationId: required (integer)
- CourseCost: required (number)
- DailyRate: required (number)
- FixedRate: required (number)
- ProductTypeId: required (integer)
- Code: required (string)
- Name: required (string)
- FacultyId: required (integer)
- FixedMonthlyLength: required (integer)
- CricosCode: required (string)
- TaxPercent: required (number)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Return a list of currently published Products (of the type specified) for College (as of the current date)
get /product/{ProductType}
Return a list of currently published Products (of the type specified) for College (as of the current date)
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- PageSize: (integer - default: 100)
The number of Products to return per page.
- PageCount: (integer - default: 1)
The Page of results to return
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- CurrentAt: required (string)
- PageSize: required (integer)
- PageCount: required (integer)
- ProductCount: required (integer)
The total number of Student Records found by the Search
- Products: required (array of ProductResult)
Items: ProductResult
- TaxInclusive: required (boolean)
- WeeklyRate: required (number)
- FixedWeeklyLength: required (integer)
- WeeklyCourseRate: required (boolean)
- TaxAmount: required (number)
- AlternateCourseCost: required (number)
- CricosName: required (string)
- TaxCode: required (string)
- ProductId: required (integer)
- LocationId: required (integer)
- CourseCost: required (number)
- DailyRate: required (number)
- FixedRate: required (number)
- ProductTypeId: required (integer)
- Code: required (string)
- Name: required (string)
- FacultyId: required (integer)
- FixedMonthlyLength: required (integer)
- CricosCode: required (string)
- TaxPercent: required (number)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get the Product Rates for a specified Course with Product ID
get /product/{id}/productrates
Get the Product Rates for a specified Course with Product ID
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- ProductRates: required (array of ProductRateResult)
Items: ProductRateResult
- ProductRateNo: required (integer)
- Name: required (string)
- ProductRate: required (number)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get the Price Books for a specified Course with Product ID
get /product/{id}/pricebooks
Get the Price Books for a specified Course with Product ID
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- ProductRates: required (array of PriceBookResult)
Items: PriceBookResult
- PriceBookId: required (integer)
- Name: required (string)
- Items: required (array of PriceBookItemResult)
Items: PriceBookItemResult
- FromLength: required (integer)
- ToLength: required (integer)
- Rate: required (number)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get all locations for the College
get /location
Get all locations for the College
This API supports Basic Authentication.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- Locations: required (array of LocationResult)
Items: LocationResult
- Suburb: required (string)
- LocationName: required (string)
- AddressLine3: required (string)
- PostCode: required (string)
- AddressLine2: required (string)
- LocationId: required (integer)
- LocationCode: required (string)
- State: required (string)
- Country: required (string)
- AddressLine1: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get all Faculties for a Location
get /location/{id}/faculty
Get all Faculties for a Location
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (string)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- Faculties: required (array of FacultyResult)
Items: FacultyResult
- FacultyId: required (integer)
- FacultyName: required (string)
- FacultyCode: required (string)
- FacultyType: required (string)
- StudyType: required (string)
- VetFlag: required (boolean)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get all Faculties
get /faculty
Get all Faculties
This API supports Basic Authentication.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- Faculties: required (array of FacultyResult)
Items: FacultyResult
- FacultyId: required (integer)
- FacultyName: required (string)
- FacultyCode: required (string)
- FacultyType: required (string)
- StudyType: required (string)
- VetFlag: required (boolean)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get Faculty details by id
get /faculty/{id}
Get Faculty details by id
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (string)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- FacultyId: required (integer)
- FacultyName: required (string)
- FacultyCode: required (string)
- FacultyType: required (string)
- StudyType: required (string)
- VetFlag: required (boolean)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get all holidays in the period for the Faculty
get /faculty/{id}/holiday
Get all holidays in the period for the Faculty
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (string)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- StartDate: required (date-only)
Start Date for period to find Faculty Holidays
- EndDate: required (date-only)
End Date for period to find Faculty Holidays
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- ReferenceId: required (integer)
- Holidays: required (array of HolidayResult)
Items: HolidayResult
- FromDate: required (string)
- ToDate: required (string)
- Name: required (string)
- FacultyId: (integer)
Faculty Id for a Faculty wide holiday. null for a Student Holiday
- FacultyName: required (string)
- Extend: required (boolean)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get the enddate for an enrolment in the faculty (extended by holidays)
get /faculty/{id}/enddate
Get the enddate for an enrolment in the faculty (extended by holidays)
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (string)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- StartDate: required (date-only)
Start Date for enrolment period (must be a Monday)
- Weeks: required (integer)
Number of Weeks (must be greater than 0)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- FacultyId: required (integer)
- Weeks: required (integer)
- StartDate: required (string)
- EndDate: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get the weeks an enrolment spans for given dates (extended by holidays)
get /faculty/{id}/weeks
Get the weeks an enrolment spans for given dates (extended by holidays)
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (string)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- StartDate: required (date-only)
Start Date for period to find Faculty Holidays (must be a Monday)
- EndDate: required (date-only)
End Date for period to find Faculty Holidays (must be a Friday)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- FacultyId: required (integer)
- Weeks: required (integer)
- StartDate: required (string)
- EndDate: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Return Agent Contact Details
Create a new agent in the system
post /agent
Create a new agent in the system
This API supports Basic Authentication.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- AddressLine3: required (string)
- Fax: required (string)
- Custom1: required (string)
- Custom8: required (string)
- WWW: required (string)
- Email: required (string)
- AddressLine2_2: required (string)
- Custom7: required (string)
- AgentName: required (string)
- Custom3: required (string)
- AddressLine2: required (string)
- Custom6: required (string)
- Phone: required (string)
- Custom4: required (string)
- CountryName_2: required (string)
- Custom10: required (string)
- Comments: required (string)
- TaxRegistered: required (boolean)
- AddressLine4_2: required (string)
- AddressLine1_2: required (string)
- AddressLine4: required (string)
- AgentCode: required (string)
- Custom2: required (string)
- ABN: required (string)
- Custom9: required (string)
- AddressLine1: required (string)
- AddressLine3_2: required (string)
- Custom5: required (string)
- CountryName: required (string)
- Status: required (boolean)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- Success: required (boolean)
- AgentId: required (integer)
- ValidationMessage: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get a specific Agent with Agent Code
get /agent/code/{code}
Get a specific Agent with Agent Code
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- code: required (string)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- AddressLine3: required (string)
- Fax: required (string)
- WWW: required (string)
- Email: required (string)
- AddressLine2_2: required (string)
- AgentName: required (string)
- AgentId: required (integer)
- AddressLine2: required (string)
- Phone: required (string)
- CountryName_2: required (string)
- Comments: required (string)
- TaxRegistered: required (boolean)
- AddressLine4_2: required (string)
- AddressLine1_2: required (string)
- AddressLine4: required (string)
- AgentCode: required (string)
- ABN: required (string)
- AddressLine1: required (string)
- AddressLine3_2: required (string)
- CountryName: required (string)
- Status: required (boolean)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get a specific Agent with AgentId id (integer)
Update an exisdting Agent record
get /agent/{id}
Get a specific Agent with AgentId id (integer)
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- AddressLine3: required (string)
- Fax: required (string)
- WWW: required (string)
- Email: required (string)
- AddressLine2_2: required (string)
- AgentName: required (string)
- AgentId: required (integer)
- AddressLine2: required (string)
- Phone: required (string)
- CountryName_2: required (string)
- Comments: required (string)
- TaxRegistered: required (boolean)
- AddressLine4_2: required (string)
- AddressLine1_2: required (string)
- AddressLine4: required (string)
- AgentCode: required (string)
- ABN: required (string)
- AddressLine1: required (string)
- AddressLine3_2: required (string)
- CountryName: required (string)
- Status: required (boolean)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
patch /agent/{id}
Update an exisdting Agent record
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- AddressLine3: required (string)
- Fax: required (string)
- Custom1: required (string)
- Custom8: required (string)
- WWW: required (string)
- Email: required (string)
- AddressLine2_2: required (string)
- Custom7: required (string)
- AgentName: required (string)
- Custom3: required (string)
- AddressLine2: required (string)
- Custom6: required (string)
- Phone: required (string)
- Custom4: required (string)
- CountryName_2: required (string)
- Custom10: required (string)
- Comments: required (string)
- TaxRegistered: required (boolean)
- AddressLine4_2: required (string)
- AddressLine1_2: required (string)
- AddressLine4: required (string)
- AgentCode: required (string)
- Custom2: required (string)
- ABN: required (string)
- Custom9: required (string)
- AddressLine1: required (string)
- AddressLine3_2: required (string)
- Custom5: required (string)
- CountryName: required (string)
- Status: required (boolean)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- Success: required (boolean)
- AgentId: required (integer)
- ValidationMessage: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Return Custom Fields for specified agent
get /agent/{id}/custom
Return Custom Fields for specified agent
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- ReferenceId: required (integer)
- CustomFields: required (array of CustomFieldResult)
Items: CustomFieldResult
- CustomField: required (string)
- CustomFieldName: required (string)
- CustomFieldValue: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Return Commission rates for specified agent
Add a new commission rate for agent
get /agent/{id}/commission
Return Commission rates for specified agent
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- AgentId: required (integer)
- CommissionItems: required (array of AgentCommissionResult)
Items: AgentCommissionResult
- AgentCommissionId: required (integer)
- CommissionName: required (string)
- CommissionRatePercent: required (number)
- CommissionRateAmount: required (number)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
post /agent/{id}/commission
Add a new commission rate for agent
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- CommissionName: required (string)
- CommissionRatePercent: required (number)
- CommissionRateAmount: required (number)
- CommissionType: required (one of TUITION, ALLFEES)
- FacultyName: required (string)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- Success: required (boolean)
- AgentCommissionId: required (integer)
- ValidationMessage: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Delete specified Commission rate for specified Agent
delete /agent/{id}/commission/{comId}
Delete specified Commission rate for specified Agent
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- comId: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- Success: required (boolean)
- AgentCommissionId: required (integer)
- ValidationMessage: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Add a new employee for agent
Return Employees for specified agent
post /agent/{id}/employee
Add a new employee for agent
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- FirstName: required (string)
- Fax: required (string)
- Custom1: required (string)
- Custom8: required (string)
- Email: required (string)
- Custom7: required (string)
- Title: required (string)
- LastName: required (string)
- Custom3: required (string)
- Custom6: required (string)
- Phone: required (string)
- Custom4: required (string)
- Custom10: required (string)
- Custom2: required (string)
- Position: required (string)
- Custom9: required (string)
- Custom5: required (string)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- Success: required (boolean)
- AgentCommissionId: required (integer)
- ValidationMessage: required (string)
- ExternalLogResult: required (object)
- ReferenceType: required (one of INVALID, STUDENT, OFFER, ENROL, OFFERITEM, PRODUCT)
- ReferenceTypeNo: required (integer)
- ExternalLogNo: required (integer)
- ReferenceNo: required (integer)
- ParentReferenceNo: required (integer)
- LogDate: required (datetime)
- CreateFlag: required (boolean)
- ExternalKeys: required (array of items)
Items: items
- KeyName: required (string)
- KeyValue: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
get /agent/{id}/employee
Return Employees for specified agent
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- AgentId: required (integer)
- CommissionItems: required (array of AgentEmployeeResult)
Items: AgentEmployeeResult
- EmployeeId: required (integer)
- Title: required (string)
- FirstName: required (string)
- LastName: required (string)
- Position: required (string)
- Phone: required (string)
- Fax: required (string)
- Email: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Returns specified Employee for specified agent
Delete employee for agent
Update employee for agent
get /agent/{id}/employee/{empId}
Returns specified Employee for specified agent
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- empId: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- EmployeeId: required (integer)
- Title: required (string)
- FirstName: required (string)
- LastName: required (string)
- Position: required (string)
- Phone: required (string)
- Fax: required (string)
- Email: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
delete /agent/{id}/employee/{empId}
Delete employee for agent
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- empId: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- Success: required (boolean)
- AgentCommissionId: required (integer)
- ValidationMessage: required (string)
- ExternalLogResult: required (object)
- ReferenceType: required (one of INVALID, STUDENT, OFFER, ENROL, OFFERITEM, PRODUCT)
- ReferenceTypeNo: required (integer)
- ExternalLogNo: required (integer)
- ReferenceNo: required (integer)
- ParentReferenceNo: required (integer)
- LogDate: required (datetime)
- CreateFlag: required (boolean)
- ExternalKeys: required (array of items)
Items: items
- KeyName: required (string)
- KeyValue: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
patch /agent/{id}/employee/{empId}
Update employee for agent
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- empId: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- FirstName: required (string)
- Fax: required (string)
- Custom1: required (string)
- Custom8: required (string)
- Email: required (string)
- Custom7: required (string)
- Title: required (string)
- LastName: required (string)
- Custom3: required (string)
- Custom6: required (string)
- Phone: required (string)
- Custom4: required (string)
- Custom10: required (string)
- Custom2: required (string)
- Position: required (string)
- Custom9: required (string)
- Custom5: required (string)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- Success: required (boolean)
- AgentCommissionId: required (integer)
- ValidationMessage: required (string)
- ExternalLogResult: required (object)
- ReferenceType: required (one of INVALID, STUDENT, OFFER, ENROL, OFFERITEM, PRODUCT)
- ReferenceTypeNo: required (integer)
- ExternalLogNo: required (integer)
- ReferenceNo: required (integer)
- ParentReferenceNo: required (integer)
- LogDate: required (datetime)
- CreateFlag: required (boolean)
- ExternalKeys: required (array of items)
Items: items
- KeyName: required (string)
- KeyValue: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Returns specified Employee Custom Fields
get /agent/{id}/employee/{empId}/custom
Returns specified Employee Custom Fields
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- empId: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- ReferenceId: required (integer)
- CustomFields: required (array of CustomFieldResult)
Items: CustomFieldResult
- CustomField: required (string)
- CustomFieldName: required (string)
- CustomFieldValue: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get a list of classes for specified date and location
get /acadclass
Get a list of classes for specified date and location
This API supports Basic Authentication.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- LocationCode: (string)
Not required if AllLocations is true
- AllLocations: (boolean)
- ClassDate: (date-only)
Date to return allocation for. Use current date if not set
- PageSize: (integer - default: 100)
The number of Products to return per page.
- PageCount: (integer - default: 1)
The Page of results to return
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- PageSize: required (integer)
- PageCount: required (integer)
- AcadClassCount: required (integer)
- AcadClasses: required (array of AcadClassResult)
Items: AcadClassResult
- OnlineClass: required (boolean)
- ClassId: required (integer)
- RoomCapacities: required (string)
- StudentCount: required (integer)
- SubjectCode: required (string)
- Teachers: required (string)
- ClassName: required (string)
- SubjectDescription: required (string)
- LocationCode: required (string)
- Rooms: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Return student allocation for selected class
get /acadclass/{id}/allocation
Return student allocation for selected class
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
Class Id to get details for.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- ClassDate: (date-only)
Date to return allocation for. Use current date if not set
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- AllocationCount: required (integer)
- AllocationList: required (array of AcadClassAllocationResult)
Items: AcadClassAllocationResult
- DateOfBirth: required (string)
- WeeksLeft: required (integer)
- OverallAttendance: required (integer)
- StartDate: required (string)
- Arrived: required (boolean)
- StudentId: required (integer)
- CourseCode: required (string)
- CourseName: required (string)
- StudentNo: required (string)
- VisaType: required (string)
- StudentName: required (string)
- PathwayMonitoringFlag: required (boolean)
- CurrentAttendance: required (integer)
- EndDate: required (string)
- Gender: required (string)
- PathwayStartDate: required (string)
- Holiday: required (boolean)
- Age: required (integer)
- CountryName: required (string)
- Status: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Return Class schedule for requested Class
get /acadclass/{id}/schedule
Return Class schedule for requested Class
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
Class Id to get details for.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- ScheduleCount: required (integer)
- ScheduleList: required (array of AcadClassScheduleResult)
Items: AcadClassScheduleResult
- RoomCode: required (string)
- RoomCapacity: required (integer)
- ClassType: required (string)
- ClassDate: required (string)
- TeacherList: required (string)
- ClassDay: required (string)
- StartTime: required (string)
- MarkAttendance: required (boolean)
- FinishTime: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get a list of classes for specified date,session and location
get /langclass
Get a list of classes for specified date,session and location
This API supports Basic Authentication.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- LocationCode: required (string)
- SessionId: (integer)
Session to return classes for. If not specified, return all sessions
- ClassDate: (date-only)
Date to return allocation for. Use current date if not set
- PageSize: (integer - default: 100)
The number of Products to return per page.
- PageCount: (integer - default: 1)
The Page of results to return
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- PageSize: required (integer)
- PageCount: required (integer)
- LangClassCount: required (integer)
- LangClasses: required (array of LangClassResult)
Items: LangClassResult
- RoomCapacities: required (string)
- LevelBand: required (string)
- StudentCount: required (integer)
- SessionName: required (string)
- Days: required (string)
- Teachers: required (string)
- ClassLevel: required (string)
- ClassName: required (string)
- MarkAttendance: required (boolean)
- SessionId: required (integer)
- LangClassId: required (integer)
- HolidayCount: required (integer)
- Rooms: required (string)
- LevelDescription: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Return student allocation for selected Language class
get /langclass/{id}/allocation
Return student allocation for selected Language class
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
Class Id to get details for. To get Unassigned, use -1 to -8 for session 1 to 8 (allocation only)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- ClassDate: (date-only)
Date to return allocation for. Use current date if not set
- LocationCode: (string)
Location filter for Unassigned allocation
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- AllocationCount: required (integer)
- AllocationList: required (array of LangClassAllocationResult)
Items: LangClassAllocationResult
- DateOfBirth: required (string)
- WeeksLeft: required (integer)
- OverallAttendance: required (integer)
- StartDate: required (string)
- Arrived: required (boolean)
- StudentId: required (integer)
- CourseCode: required (string)
- CourseName: required (string)
- StudentNo: required (string)
- VisaType: required (string)
- StudentName: required (string)
- PathwayMonitoringFlag: required (boolean)
- CurrentAttendance: required (integer)
- EndDate: required (string)
- Gender: required (string)
- PathwayStartDate: required (string)
- Holiday: required (boolean)
- Age: required (integer)
- CountryName: required (string)
- Status: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Return Class schedule for requested week and Class
get /langclass/{id}/schedule
Return Class schedule for requested week and Class
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
Class Id to get details for. To get Unassigned, use -1 to -8 for session 1 to 8 (allocation only)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- ClassDate: (date-only)
Date to return class schedule for. Use current date if not set
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- ScheduleCount: required (integer)
- ScheduleList: required (array of LangClassScheduleResult)
Items: LangClassScheduleResult
- RoomCode: required (string)
- RoomCapacity: required (integer)
- LevelBand: required (string)
- ClassType: required (string)
- ClassDate: required (string)
- TeacherList: required (string)
- ClassDay: required (string)
- StartTime: required (string)
- MarkAttendance: required (boolean)
- LevelDescription: required (string)
- FinishTime: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Create a new diary entry
post /diary/{diarytype}
Create a new diary entry
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- diarytype: required (one of AGENT, PROVIDER, STUDENT, USER, GROUP, EMPLOYER)
Type of eBecas customer.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- DiaryDate: required (datetime)
- RefId: required (integer)
- Summary: required (string)
- Notes: (string)
- AttentionFlag: (boolean)
- PublishFlag: (boolean)
- CategoryId: required (integer)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- DiaryId: required (integer)
- Success: required (boolean)
- ValidationMessage: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
get a list of category types for the diarytype
get /diary/{diarytype}/category
get a list of category types for the diarytype
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- diarytype: required (one of AGENT, PROVIDER, STUDENT, USER, GROUP, EMPLOYER)
Type of eBecas customer.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- CategoryName: required (string)
- LookupList: required (array of LookupResult)
Items: LookupResult
- LookupId: required (integer)
- LookupName: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get Details for a Study Tour group by Id
get /studytour/{id}
Get Details for a Study Tour group by Id
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- StudyTourId: required (integer)
- Code: required (string)
- Name: required (string)
- Description: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get Details for a Study Tour group by Study Tour Code
get /studytour/code/{Code}
Get Details for a Study Tour group by Study Tour Code
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- Code: required (string)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- StudyTourId: required (integer)
- Code: required (string)
- Name: required (string)
- Description: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get Enrolments for a Study Tour
get /studytour/{id}/enrol
Get Enrolments for a Study Tour
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- StudyTourId: required (integer)
- Enrols: required (array of StudentEnrolResult)
Items: StudentEnrolResult
- EnrolId: required (integer)
- OverallAttendance: required (integer)
- StartDate: required (string)
- AcademicFlag: required (boolean)
- Arrived: required (boolean)
- CurrentWeek: required (integer)
- AgentName: required (string)
- AgentId: required (integer)
- CourseLength: required (integer)
- CourseCode: required (string)
- CourseName: required (string)
- LanguageFlag: required (boolean)
- EnrolStatus: required (string)
- FacultyName: required (string)
- CurrentAttendance: required (integer)
- AgentCode: required (string)
- EndDate: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get Offers for a Study Tour
get /studytour/{id}/offer
Get Offers for a Study Tour
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- StudyTourId: required (integer)
- Offers: required (array of StudentOfferResult)
Items: StudentOfferResult
- OfferId: required (integer)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get Listing of all Student Enrolments for a Study Tour Enrolment
get /studytour/{id}/enrol/{enrolId}/student
Get Listing of all Student Enrolments for a Study Tour Enrolment
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- enrolId: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- StudentCount: required (integer)
The number of Student Records found for the Study Tour offer or enrolment
- Students: required (array of StudyTourStudentResult)
Items: StudyTourStudentResult
- DateOfBirth: required (string)
- LocalAddressLine2: required (string)
- FirstName: required (string)
- LocalAddressLine3: required (string)
- EnrolId: required (integer)
- OSSuburbName: required (string)
- OverSeas: required (boolean)
- OSAddressLine2: required (string)
- LocalPhone: required (string)
- OSAddressLine3: required (string)
- Citizenship: required (string)
- LocalAddressLine1: required (string)
- Title: required (string)
- OSPhone: required (string)
- OSState: required (string)
- StudentId: required (integer)
- OSMobile: required (string)
- LastName: required (string)
- LocalMobile: required (string)
- LocalState: required (string)
- StudentNo: required (string)
- LocalSuburbName: required (string)
- MiddleName: required (string)
- OSAddressLine1: required (string)
- Gender: required (string)
- LocalEmail: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Get Listing of all Students for a Study Tour Offer
get /studytour/{id}/offer/{offerId}/student
Get Listing of all Students for a Study Tour Offer
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- id: required (integer)
- offerId: required (integer)
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- StudentCount: required (integer)
The number of Student Records found for the Study Tour offer or enrolment
- Students: required (array of StudyTourStudentResult)
Items: StudyTourStudentResult
- DateOfBirth: required (string)
- LocalAddressLine2: required (string)
- FirstName: required (string)
- LocalAddressLine3: required (string)
- EnrolId: required (integer)
- OSSuburbName: required (string)
- OverSeas: required (boolean)
- OSAddressLine2: required (string)
- LocalPhone: required (string)
- OSAddressLine3: required (string)
- Citizenship: required (string)
- LocalAddressLine1: required (string)
- Title: required (string)
- OSPhone: required (string)
- OSState: required (string)
- StudentId: required (integer)
- OSMobile: required (string)
- LastName: required (string)
- LocalMobile: required (string)
- LocalState: required (string)
- StudentNo: required (string)
- LocalSuburbName: required (string)
- MiddleName: required (string)
- OSAddressLine1: required (string)
- Gender: required (string)
- LocalEmail: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
get /report/{ReportType}
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
Report to generate
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- FromDate: (date-only)
From date to filter report, defaulting to today
- ToDate: (date-only)
To date to filter report, defaulting to today
- PageSize: (integer - default: 100)
The number of Students Records to return per page. Specify 0 for PageSize or PageCOunt for all records.
- PageCount: (integer - default: 1)
The Page of results to return
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- ReportType: required (string)
- FromDate: required (datetime)
- ToDate: required (datetime)
- PageSize: required (integer)
- PageCount: required (integer)
- RecordCount: required (integer)
- ReportRecords: required (array of )
Secured by BasicAuthentication
get /external/log
This API supports Basic Authentication.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- LastCheck: required (datetime)
Datetime of last check of log,return log entries after this date
- CheckTo: (datetime)
Datetime to limit check to, only return log entires before or equal to this
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- AsOfDate: required (datetime)
- LogList: required (array of ExternalLogResult)
Items: ExternalLogResult
- ReferenceType: required (one of INVALID, STUDENT, OFFER, ENROL, OFFERITEM, PRODUCT)
- ReferenceTypeNo: required (integer)
- ExternalLogNo: required (integer)
- ReferenceNo: required (integer)
- ParentReferenceNo: required (integer)
- LogDate: required (datetime)
- CreateFlag: required (boolean)
- ExternalKeys: required (array of items)
Items: items
- KeyName: required (string)
- KeyValue: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
get /external/log/{LogType}
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
Object type to retrieve log entries for
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- LastCheck: required (datetime)
Datetime of last check of log,return log entries after this date
- CheckTo: (datetime)
Datetime to limit check to, only return log entires before or equal to this
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- AsOfDate: required (datetime)
- LogList: required (array of ExternalLogResult)
Items: ExternalLogResult
- ReferenceType: required (one of INVALID, STUDENT, OFFER, ENROL, OFFERITEM, PRODUCT)
- ReferenceTypeNo: required (integer)
- ExternalLogNo: required (integer)
- ReferenceNo: required (integer)
- ParentReferenceNo: required (integer)
- LogDate: required (datetime)
- CreateFlag: required (boolean)
- ExternalKeys: required (array of items)
Items: items
- KeyName: required (string)
- KeyValue: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
return a list of all External Keys in the system
Create an External Key
get /external/key
return a list of all External Keys in the system
This API supports Basic Authentication.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- KeyList: required (array of ExternalKeyResult)
Items: ExternalKeyResult
- ReferenceTypeNo: required (integer)
- KeyId: required (integer)
- KeyName: required (string)
- ValidationMessage: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
post /external/key
Create an External Key
This API supports Basic Authentication.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- KeyName: required (string)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- ReferenceType: required (one of INVALID, STUDENT, OFFER, ENROL, OFFERITEM, PRODUCT, AGENT)
- ReferenceTypeNo: required (integer)
- KeyId: required (integer)
- KeyName: required (string)
- ValidationMessage: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Assign External Key value
get /external/key/{KeyName}
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- KeyName: required (string)
Key Name
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- ReferenceNo: required (integer)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- ReferenceType: required (one of INVALID, STUDENT, OFFER, ENROL, OFFERITEM, PRODUCT, AGENT)
- ReferenceTypeNo: required (integer)
- KeyId: required (integer)
- KeyName: required (string)
- KeyValue: required (string)
- ValidationMessage: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
post /external/key/{KeyName}
Assign External Key value
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- KeyName: required (string)
Key Name
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- KeyValue: required (string)
- RefId: required (integer)
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- ReferenceType: required (one of INVALID, STUDENT, OFFER, ENROL, OFFERITEM, PRODUCT, AGENT)
- ReferenceTypeNo: required (integer)
- KeyId: required (integer)
- KeyName: required (string)
- KeyValue: required (string)
- ValidationMessage: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Gets the record for matching KeyName/Value
get /external/key/{KeyName}/{KeyValue}
Gets the record for matching KeyName/Value
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- KeyName: required (string)
Key Name
- KeyValue: required (string)
Key value to match
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Secured by BasicAuthentication
get a list Lookup Codes for specified Lookup Type
get /lookup/{LookupType}/code
get a list Lookup Codes for specified Lookup Type
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
Usder lookup Types.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- CategoryName: required (string)
- LookupList: required (array of LookupResult)
Items: LookupResult
- LookupId: required (integer)
- LookupName: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
get a list System Lookup Codes for specified Lookup Type
get /lookup/{SystemLookupType}/system
get a list System Lookup Codes for specified Lookup Type
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- SystemLookupType: required (STUDENT_LOCATION)
System Lookup Types.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- CategoryName: required (string)
- LookupList: required (array of LookupResult)
Items: LookupResult
- LookupId: required (integer)
- LookupName: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
get a list Countries with region and ISO details
get /lookup/country
get a list Countries with region and ISO details
This API supports Basic Authentication.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- CountryList: required (array of LookupCountryResult)
Items: LookupCountryResult
- CountryId: required (integer)
- CountryName: required (string)
- Region: required (string)
- ISO3Code: required (string)
- ISO3Name: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
get a List of Languages
get /lookup/language
get a List of Languages
This API supports Basic Authentication.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- LanguageList: required (array of LookupLanguageResult)
Items: LookupLanguageResult
- LanguageId: required (integer)
- LanguageName: required (string)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Note bi report endpoints are for use with the EIT Power BI Connector and require a seperate licence to be used. Please contact support@equatorit.com for more details and to enable
Returns a list of BI Report setups. Note bi report endpoints are for use with the EIT Power BI Connector and require a seperate licence to be used. Please contact support@equatorit.com for more details and to enable
get /bi
Returns a list of BI Report setups. Note bi report endpoints are for use with the EIT Power BI Connector and require a seperate licence to be used. Please contact support@equatorit.com for more details and to enable
This API supports Basic Authentication.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- BIReportId: required (integer)
- ReportCode: required (string)
- ReportName: required (string)
- FromDate: required (datetime)
- ToDate: required (datetime)
- User: required (string)
- CreateDate: required (datetime)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Returns the specified report data, using parameters setup in the Power BI setup. Note bi report endpoints are for use with the EIT Power BI Connector and require a seperate licence to be used. Please contact support@equatorit.com for more details and to enable
get /bi/{ReportType}
Returns the specified report data, using parameters setup in the Power BI setup. Note bi report endpoints are for use with the EIT Power BI Connector and require a seperate licence to be used. Please contact support@equatorit.com for more details and to enable
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
Report to generate
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- PageSize: (integer - default: 100)
The number of Students Records to return per page. Specify 0 for PageSize or PageCOunt for all records.
- PageCount: (integer - default: 1)
The Page of results to return
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- ReportType: required (string)
- FromDate: required (datetime)
- ToDate: required (datetime)
- PageSize: required (integer)
- PageCount: required (integer)
- RecordCount: required (integer)
- ReportRecords: required (array of )
Secured by BasicAuthentication
get /export
This API supports Basic Authentication.
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- BIReportId: required (integer)
- ReportCode: required (string)
- ReportName: required (string)
- FromDate: required (datetime)
- ToDate: required (datetime)
- User: required (string)
- CreateDate: required (datetime)
Secured by BasicAuthentication
Returns the specified report data, using parameters setup in the Power BI setup. Note bi report endpoints are for use with the EIT Power BI Connector and require a seperate licence to be used. Please contact support@equatorit.com for more details and to enable
get /export/{ExportType}
Returns the specified report data, using parameters setup in the Power BI setup. Note bi report endpoints are for use with the EIT Power BI Connector and require a seperate licence to be used. Please contact support@equatorit.com for more details and to enable
This API supports Basic Authentication.
URI Parameters
- ExportType: required (string)
Report to generate
- Authorization: required (string)
Base 64 encoded combination of username:password, as supplied by Equator IT
- COLLEGECODE: required (string)
College Code as provided by Equator IT
- USERNAME: required (string)
eBecas username with Portal Post access. Objects posted are created by this user. Only required for POST
- EIT_SOURCE: required (string)
Optional Source of the request. For some endpoints and Integration, this is required (such as Power BI)
- EIT_SOURCE_VERSION: required (string)
Optional Source Version, logged for each call if used.
Query Parameters
- PageSize: (integer - default: 100)
The number of Students Records to return per page. Specify 0 for PageSize or PageCOunt for all records.
- PageCount: (integer - default: 1)
The Page of results to return
HTTP status code 200
Media type: application/json
Type: object
Properties- ReportType: required (string)
- FromDate: required (datetime)
- ToDate: required (datetime)
- PageSize: required (integer)
- PageCount: required (integer)
- RecordCount: required (integer)
- ReportRecords: required (array of )